Monthly Archives: August 2013

Find Yourself

Hi my little Turtles 🙂

It is amazing how you are able to express yourself through your clothing. Every one has a bit of their personality in what they wear or they would be wearing it (unless you were forced to).

Personally i am not really sure what my style shows about me. Only that i love wearing ripped up shirt, black and stripes <3 Ughhh god do i love stripes 🙂IMG_0822

I feel like almost every outfit that you wear should repersent you and how you are  feeling. If you are in a good mood were something that makes you feel amazing, whether it is something bright or just something comfy. WEAR IT AND ROCK IT! BeFunky_VintageColors_1As long as you stay true to you, you WILL find yourself in your style. Always make sure that you are dressing for yourself and not anyone else because… at the end of the day you are going to be the one wearing it.BeFunky_VintageColors_14.jpg